This is a printable 3x3' pitch that can be used for guild ball, either the full game, or if turned sideways it can be used as a 2'x2' pitch for the starter rules. It can also double as a Malifaux board.
For printing options you can do it your self, or use one of the following (which I have used)
Pixart Printing (UK Link) (US Link)
The will print large vinyl banners (select PVC Banners) and a size of 3'x3' the following file is already sized to there printing specs and can be submitted to them as is. The vinyl is not as nice to transport as say mousepad material, and will hold a shape if left rolled up too long, but is way cheaper, $9.75 last I checked (that includes shipping).
Inked Gaming (link)
Not as cheap as Pixart but they will print on mouse pad material (like the official pitch), I haven't had anything printed from them yet so I cant speak to the quality / ease of use.
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